Staying Home, Staying Active

Jiminy Cricket! A lot has changed over the last few weeks. It’s pretty amazing how something so unforeseen can swoop into all of our lives & completely turn our daily routines upside down. If there is any silver lining to this COVID-19 pandemic, it’s, for sure, that things can change in an instant & how you adapt to change can be the difference in it all. We all can learn something from this experience, but for now let’s figure out how we can make the most of our time at home.

First & foremost, remember that your health comes before anything. This is truly a time to take care of yourself & stay safe for the sake of others. As this social distancing continues, take good care & be sure to include these 5 things in your daily wellness routine:

  1. Stay hydrated —Drink lots of water to avoid dehydration (8x8 rule). If you think you’re drinking enough water, you probably still aren’t. So, make it a point to keep a water bottle by your side. It will help you in so many ways.

  2. Fuel your body — Eat a well-balanced diet that will keep your body nourished. There are a ton of resources to help you with creating healthy meals that don’t require a big budget. Check out ,which is sourced by the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics.

  3. Get some fresh air — Take a walk outside to get some sunlight & air; it can change your whole mood, for real.

  4. Stretch —Stretching consistently for just a few minutes daily will strengthen your muscles, aid with achey joints, & prevent injury. Especially if you are sitting for most of the day, you need to keep those muscles moving.

  5. Learn — Stimulate your mind by teaching it something new, learning a new skill, reading a book, or watching an educational program to expand your brain. We are fortunate that there are so many online resources for us to take advantage of. For dancers, there are so many dance instructors offering classes, try a new style of dance that might not be offered to you locally. Universities, such as Harvard, are offering free courses. Learn how to crochet, pick up your old instrument, read a classic novel, take a history course, learn about finances, etc, etc, etc. Learn something new!

  6. Connect —Since are unable to visit our family/friends/loved-ones at this time, you can still see them & stay connected by picking up the phone for a FaceTime or scheduling a family Zoom call.

We hope these quick tips will help you to make the most of your time at home.

Our hearts go out to anyone who is having hardships during this time. Some of us have the privilege of being able to work from home, while others are in a line of work where that is simply not an option. Some have lost their jobs completely. Other are being called into work that “essential” to the everyday welfare of others, such as our healthcare professionals. Thank you to all the professionals in healthcare who are taking care of patients & keeping us all healthy. Thank you to the businesses that must remain open, such as grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, gas stations, & other places that we need to remain open for everyday function. You are appreciated. This is a difficult time for anyone who may be displaced and/or in an uncomfortable situation. Two Hearts Dance & Yoga is here to help with any one who needs support during this time, whether that’s encouraging a daily affirmation & meditation practice, providing holistic support for those with mental disorders & illnesses, researching local resources that can provide some financial assistance, providing emotional support or stress management techniques, sending activities for kids at home, or anything else we can do to assist you & your family. You are a big part of our Two Hearts community, & we are here for you!

Lastly, I want to personally extend my gratitude to everyone who has been supportive & patient through this time of change. As a small business, this has had an impact on our daily operations. Although, Two Hearts Dance & Yoga has not been able to offer classes in-person, we still are able to offer a variety of classes virtually, which is truly a blessing. If there’s one thing that keeping us afloat & maintaining some sense of normalcy here, it’s being able to teach our classes & stay in touch with our students online. We are so grateful that we are still able to reach our students in their homes, & we continue to add more classes & offer more private sessions as this social distancing continues. We are open to any feedback & recommendations you may have that will make our classes more accessible to you. Be sure to check our schedule on the classes page for updates weekly!

Please do not hesitate to contact take us if you need anything. We are all in this together, & it helps to be able to connect through the things we love to do, such as dance and/or yoga. Stay safe, stay healthy, & stay active!

