back to school

Back to School, Back to the Basics.

It’s that time of the year where many of my students are getting back to school. Summer is coming to an end & a new journey awaits. You’re ready to embrace a new daily routine, gather all of your school supplies, get some fresh gear, organize your things, move into a new space, & mentally prepare for whats to come. Have no fear, you got this! We all get those butterflies when its time to start something new. Whether you are in grade school moving onto the next grade, going back to grad school as an adult, or even a teacher in the classroom, we all can get overwhelmed by the change & transition.

As a yoga teacher, one of the most common things students come to me with is trying to find peace in times of transition. How can you #findyourzen when it seems as though your world may be turning upside down? It’s not always the negative things that can stress you out the most; it can also be something you are so happy & excited about, like starting a new school year. The idea of change can be daunting, especially if you are used to doing the same things everyday. You are changing your routine. Maybe that means you will be waking up earlier than usual, or eating on-the-go, or staying up late at night to study, or changing your workout schedule, or meeting new people. Whatever it is, it is a change. Recognizing that change is coming & preparing for it can help you ease into the transition smoother.

Here are a few basic back to school tips:

  1. Drink more water — Staying hydrated is so important, & I can’t stress it enough. And if you think you’re drinking enough H2O, you’re probably not. I’m sure you have heard of the 8x8 water rule, but if you’re physically active (which means you’re probably sweating more water out), then you should increase your intake. Not only is staying hydrated great for your physical being, your skin, your energy levels, & overall performance, but your brain is strongly influenced & dependent on hydration. “Studies show that even mild dehydration (1-3% of body weight) can impair many aspects of brain function” (Healthline). After a relaxing summer with time off, your brain is going to be on overload with school starting, so this is when its most important to nourish it. Keep a water bottle in your school bag, & keep filling it up throughout the day. I even have an app on my phone that reminds me to hydrate called Plant Nanny. I highly recommend it & its a fun way to keep track. Now drink up!

  2. Balance— Balance is key to staying healthy. Balance your time wisely with making sure you complete your assignments in favorable time. Easier said than done, but procrastinating can have a huge effect on your stress levels. Know your deadlines & balance your timing to avoid the panic, for your own sake.

    Balance what you’re eating & when. Finding healthy snacks that will keep you nourished on-the-go, like fruits & vegetables, will help refuel your body throughout the day. Here are a few healthy snacks recommended for school days ( for kids & adults) — Healthy School Snacks from Southern Living. Balance your meals to make sure you are getting what you need from each food group.

    Stay active & balanced with exercise. If your days are jam-packed with school work, try walking or biking to school rather than driving, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or doing yoga to unwind at the end of your school day. It’s all about balance. Just making a small effort to find balance will go a long way.

  3. Rest — Change can take a toll on your body & mind. With school starting, you may not be getting the same amount of rest that you were getting by the pool over the summer. Vacation is over, but your body still needs some relaxation. Even if you have long days at school & aren’t getting as much sleep, still try to find a way to rest your body. Resting can be as simple as taking a seat on bench & listening to music for a few minutes in between classes. If you’re stuck inside all day, go outside, get some sunlight, & give your brain a rest. If you workout multiple days a week, take a day off to rest. Cat naps kept me going in school, even if it was napping for just 20 minutes, it gave me a jump-start & a refresh to carry on with the day. Dedicate some downtime to yourself after a long day, even schedule it on your calendar. Maybe its a movie night, social dancing, or enjoying dinner with friends. Feeling burnt out or exhausted is never healthy for you. Rest is restorative, & you always deserve it.

  4. Have Fun — Yes, I said it! Just because you’re in school, doesn’t mean you can’t have fun! We all have goals & getting there is important, but let’s have fun along the way! When you’re preparing for school to start, grab some fun supplies —like notebooks with your favorite movie on the front, a book bag that fits your style, a cool laptop/tablet cover, unique stickers to put on your water bottle, a koosh ball for your desk, colorful pens, a personalized pouch, etc. Stores like TJ Maxx & Home Goods have great discounted school supplies, consignment shops are good for finding random treasures, or take the DIY approach to create something special. Theses little hints of your personality will add a spark to the things you use daily. They may also spark up conversation with classmates & potential new friends who share the same interests as you. Be open to meeting new people in your classes. It’s always more fun when you have someone to chat with about assignments and/or study with. You never know if one of your classmates could become a lifelong friend. Set study/work times at your library or local coffee shop so you have a new & different environment to work in. Find ways to have fun with everything you do!

Congratulations to you on a new school year, a new chance to become just what you want to be, a new chapter in life! Share your back to school experience with me! Are you starting a new grade, a new school, a new program this year? If you’re a teacher, let me know if Two Hearts Dance & Yoga can make the school day more fun for you & your students. School visits are my favorite! I’d love to hear more from you all in the comments below or send me a message!

