chasing slow

Keep it Simple...

Lately, I’ve been really trying to settle into the idea of living a more simple life. Maybe because I am getting older (birthday is approaching ;) ). Or, maybe because of how chaotic the world news has been recently. Either way, the thought of simplicity sounds calming. Some things just do not need to be so difficult anymore. And, quite frankly, if it isn’t good to the soul and well-being, it just doesn’t need to be present. 

Fishing/crabbing dock in good ol' St. Mary's County, MD

I grew up in a small town in Southern Maryland, and every time I go back home, I am reminded of that simple way of living. There's something about driving by miles of corn fields and spending days crabbing off an old wooden dock that makes you refocus. Now that I live in a busy city like Philadelphia, I really appreciate my hometown so much more. Sure, everyone drives slower (probably because you’re on a two lane road and you are sharing it with a tractor!), but really, what is the rush? Think of how much energy you stir up when you are in a rush. Instead of honking and cursing, just turn on your music and relax. Right? I know, easier said than done there, but literally, take a deep breath and relax. Maybe you should have just left earlier, its not the tractor’s fault (things I tell myself)! Coming from city to country living; its almost like you have been dropped into a slow-motion video. It is hard to slow down when you live the day-to-day fast-paced hustle and bustle in the city. I am sure I have a few friends who can relate to this. Going home to Maryland, though, makes me I realize that maybe I need to revert back to these roots of simplicity. I recently picked up this book called, Chasing Slow: A Journey Worth Pursuing, by Erin Loechner. It's one of those books that really gets you thinking, and I recommend it to anyone.  I now think a little more deeply about prioritizing and simplifying life.

Here are a few note-worthy lessons that I took away from reading this book:

1.       Minimalism isn’t just a trend, it’s a #gamechanger toward simplicity.

The author, Erin Loechner, touches on this idea and I often listen to the Minimalists podcast, so I am very familiar with these topics. At first, it was really difficult for me to relate to these minimalist guys. What do you mean by giving up my things? Some of the ideas behind minimalism, can be a bit extreme; like selling your house to live in an AirBnB or getting rid of all of the clothes in your closet to prove that you can live with just 30 essential clothing items. Yes, there are people that do this, and they have their reasons. For someone like me, I don’t necessarily want to give away my hard-earned belongings just yet, but I have been practicing some of the minimalist themes that resonate with me. Decluttering is very rejuvenating (and difficult). But ultimately, having an organized living space really frees up the mind. Also, being able to donate your items to charities or organizations, knowing that your items will be put to good use, is rewarding. So on the grand scheme of things, I have adopted just a small sliver of minimalism, in hopes that will continue to grow. You may want to adopt some small figments of this and see where it goes.

2.       “Thinking about living is not the same as living”.

We all have goals we want to reach or that five-year plan that we envision. But you can still live your fullest life now! I am guilty of this; always thinking about the future and planning for things to come. On the course of life, you have to pull over and take a look around at where you are now. Enjoy it! Plan for your best future still, but don’t get so wrapped up in your future life. “Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to live”.  When you find yourself doing this, take a step back, then decide to do something exciting that day. Spontaneity will take you out of your futuristic mind and get you living for the present.

3.       Wave that white flag and surrender.

You can’t control everything. Surrender to the things you cannot control. If you are anything like me, you may have a hard time with this.  Rest assure, when you let go of the things that are pulling you down, its easier to set sail. Let it go. Leave it behind. Then put all that energy into the things in your life that you actually can change.  Think back to 1 & 2 above. Live and let die, then live and let grow. Simple right? ;)

4.       Everything is going to be alright, really.

There’s something about the vibes of people who live on Caribbean islands. The idea of “island time” is real, and that no-worries-attitude is something we all could use. Let go of the bad energies and take hold of your happiness. Instead of looking at the what-ifs or worst that can happen, look at the bright side. The sun came up today, you are alive, and you have a new chance every day to do what you want to do. If you ever need to settle into the island vibes, just put on some Bob Marley and kick back. Remind yourself that everything is going to be alright, and it will.

Take it easy, my friend! – Lee-Ann