essential oils

Essential Oils for Yoga/Meditation/Life

I have had quite a few questions come my way about essential oils and how to incorporate them into yoga practice. I have personally found essential oils to have a really positive impact on my yoga practice and meditation, as well as my every day routines in life. I have started bringing them into a select few of my yoga classes. Of course, I always ask permission to introduce this into the space, and I recommend that any teacher does the same to be respectful of the allergies and/or dislikes of students. However, I have found overall that essentials oils have greatly enhanced my practice— so much that I have added them into every day routine. I have found myself taking them to the office with me, packing them in my travel bags, and using them around the house. Here are some of the essentials oils I use the most. I hope you find them to be just as pleasing as I have.

Lavender: Lavender is probably one of the most popular and most used oils during any kind of yoga, meditation, massage, relaxation practice. Its got a calming nature that translates positively across the board. However, I like to use it as a base for mixing with other oils. For example, I often mix it with lemon or orange citrus oils. This still gives the relaxing element, but the citrus brings a refreshing and neutralizing property. I often place a few drops of lavender and lemon onto a scarf or light cloth and waft it through the room before I start teaching a yoga class. This refreshes the room for the students and rids any stagnant or negative energy.

Angelica: This oil is my holy grail. Its often described as the “oil of angels”. Its got a calming element to it but I just love the way it smells, almost like an earthy, woody, flowery smell. It comes from the angelica root. It opens up the respiratory airways and can be used as topical. I use it when I just need a boost of grounded and open energy. I like to use it in the morning, maybe before a work meeting, or before I start teaching a yoga class because it brings me openness to share with others. I like to dab it on chest because it does have the respiratory healing factor to it.

Clary Sage: Known as the “woman’s oil” because it has historic reference of relieving menstrual pains and aiding in pregnancy and child birth. It can be applied directly to the abdomen for this. I use it because it is a natural antidepressant, so it uplifts. I’ve recommended this to many friends and colleagues who are feeling down or just not themselves, especially during a cycle time. It can really be helpful, especially when diffused.

Panaway: OMG this oil is a go-to for me after a long day. It is known to be an ultimate relaxer, especially after being active. Its recommended use is during or after physical activity, so I like to place it on my forearms during my yoga practice, so that I can achieve the release I am intending. I also like to diffuse it after my yoga practice or after a long day. Its great before bed and even while sleeping to totally enhance your rest.I put it on the back of my neck before bed, I diffuse it, I sprinkle it around, I just love it. I highly suggest this one for anyone with a busy lifestyle, moms with kids who are getting ready to be put to bed, and anyone who wants to enhance their resting time.

Additionally, I recommend an all natural cleaner for yoga mats that is nontoxic and safe. Your mat needs protection to keep it clean without damaging it and to rid it of germs. You sweat on it so have your feet & hands all over it, keep it clean! I’ve been using Thieves Cleaner by Young Living for my mat. I also use it for countertops and the floors around my house. It has essential oils infused in it. It’s safe especially on a yoga mat so you are not absorbing chemicals into your skin, but also safe for kids and pets around the house.

I sure hope these recommendations will come in handy for you. Of course, do what works for you always, and be sure to find the oils that work best with your liking and body chemistry. There are always other things to try, but this is what I find most helpful for me. If you have any that you just absolutely love, feel free to share it with me below!

Lastly, I am a big fan of Young Living Essential Oils! They are a wholehearted company with a “Seed to Seal” commitment for providing the best quality. They are 100% pure oils, no additives, and concentrated, so a little goes a long way. I don’t just buy any oil in the store. You can always purchase any of these oils and other natural products directly through me — . Let me know if you need help and/or want to hear about deals with these oils! I got the hook-up! ;)

I am happy to answer any questions you have. Enjoy your oily goodness!

xoxox - Lee-Ann