meet our students

Heart to Heart: Meet Alyssa Nolfi

Since last July, I have had the pleasure of working with Alyssa Nolfi for dance audition prep through Sideline Prep . She was enthusiastic about working on & improving her overall dance technique to prepare for auditions for the local Philadelphia dance teams. If there’s one thing about this girl from Philly, she loves her Philly sports teams! Rooting for the Eagles & the 76ers has all been a part of her upbringing. She is passionate about dancing & her goal to become a professional dancer as well. Alyssa shares, “I love the aspect of not only living in one of the many major cities in the world, which I feel like best suits me & my lifestyle, but also the fact that I am so close to many other major cities including New York, which has plenty of opportunities available in areas that I am interested and have a background in, such as dance, modeling and fashion.”

Recently, Alyssa came to me with another big goal she is working to achieve. She dreams of becoming a dance major at the University of the Arts & continuing to work on her craft. The dance program at the University of the Arts is a top-rated program with “one of the most diverse undergraduate dance populations in the country”. Students attending the university are able to learn from some of the finest dance professionals in the game & gain experience through the rigorous curriculum that includes dance training classes, choreography development, and performance experiences.

The process of becoming a dance major, like at many other schools, requires an applicant to perform an audition piece. Having been a dance major at the University of Maryland, I am pleased to be able to offer my advice & support through her journey. We have been working together on the audition piece, as its most important to me that it reflects her strengths and overall movement style on the dance floor. Choreographing dances is one of my favorite things to do on my own, however, with an audition piece, it specifically requires finding a sense of ownership from the dancer & collaborating to reach that. My goal is for the dancer to feel confident when dancing this piece, to showcase their talent & abilities, & for the dancer to feel as though the movement translates well into their body where they can make it their own. Working together has been a great a part of this process. Its not just about practicing the movement, its about embodying it & performing it on a larger scale.

Alyssa states, “Dancing has always been one of my biggest passions since I was a little girl & started classes. It has remained that way ever since. It also is a big stress reliever for me & helps with my anxiety when I am having an off or bad day. I can just go into a studio & dance. It helps me feel better. I love that dance, not only allows me to express myself in a creative, artistic & unique way, but also that it allows me to showcase my passion & talent.”

As a dance teacher & choreographer, I am always elated to hear when dance becomes a healer. It is not just about the physical activity, but the holistic wellness that it promotes. I find myself feeling the benefits of this when teaching as well. Alyssa has also expressed that dance auditions have been a challenge to her mentally, as it can be difficult to retain & stay focused when placed on the spot. Many dancers can relate to this sense of “blacking out” or not remembering what you are doing in the moment, some say its the adrenaline rush, but it also can happen to just about anyone when placed on the spot, whether its giving a presentation to a group or just being the center of attention at an event. Addressing that this exists within, identifying the anxiety trigger, & working on deepening concentration through mindfulness & meditation practice is also a part of her process that we continue to work on together so that she feels more comfortable at auditions. She actually just landed a job with All Around Entertainment, an entertainment company based in the Northeast, which is a great accomplishment & really shows her progress toward her dance dreams!

Alyssa will audition for the University of the Arts dance program in August, & I am looking forward to rooting her on every step of the way. The journey is always most important, & she has committed to “trusting the process” & staying on the path toward success through hard work & dedication. Best wishes to Alyssa!

