
Bringing it all together.

I’ve been thinking a lot about content lately, mostly because I think about it everyday at work as its a big part of my job, but also for my own business needs. As a business professional, working for a non-profit, and as I continue to develop my own business with dance and yoga, being present in the moment is paramount. Investing the time to be "all in", whether its working on a business proposal or teaching yoga to a specialized group, makes all the difference. Making the conscious and genuine effort to devote all your time and attention to that moment, while knowing there are many other things to do, is a measure of success. Growing up as a dancer, there is a difference in your performance when you allow yourself to just be in the moment, giving your full energy with full intention; we call that dancing "full-out". How can you be more engaging to your audience? How can you bring focus to the things that are important? How can you get your vision across to others? How can you be "all in"? That’s what draws people into wanting to watch the greatest performers. That quality of embodying the present moment, no matter what you are doing. That’s what brings everything together.

When you create content for your business of any type, think of it as though you are inviting someone into your home. They are walking through your front door, getting an inside-view of your visions and goals. You want a guest in your home to feel welcomed and comfortable. Especially as they consider giving you the opportunity to provide them with your business.

Open up your world by providing pieces of yourself, those personal touches, that speak to your values and core initiatives. What can someone gain by your presence? What value are you adding to their life? Consider this with any interaction you make. Sharing your "behind the scenes" takes, your thought-process, even bits your personal life, with your potential clients will make them confident in choosing you, not just as a business, but you as a person who is committed to giving them something they can value from. A relationship that offers a gain. Be "all in" when it comes to your interactions and overall content. As my work remains in progress, I see how each piece of my life, from my yoga practice, to my relationships, to my professional advancement, it all requires commitment to the present and creating meaningfulness, which brings it all together.

Photo by Cade Martin Photography