power of purpose

Revive your Why - The "Power of Purpose"

I have been wanting to revive the blog for some time now. It started in 2018 with me just wanting to share my words to my students and to find an outlet to spark motivation. In 2020 - 2021, I felt called upon to start the Heart to Heart Video Series (and if you haven’t watched them please do) when we all were forced to step outside of our dance and yoga studios/communities, performers could not take the stage, and most of us were at home during the Pandemic. The vlog brought a sense of community and a sense of connection to others in the dance world, and I hope it brought motivation to others to keep pursuing their dreams during the challenges. In 2022, I started the year with the start of “season 2” but #momlife kind of happened and there was more on my plate; not an excuse, just being honest. I am a big believer in listening to your intuition and what you are being called to do. For many of us, it may be that we are called to take care of others, start a new journey, find faith in a higher power, etc. Now, being a mother of a one-year-old, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a community leader, I find that its so important to revisit and to revive THE why.

In talking with students, friends, family, I realize how many people are burnt out. All craving for that vacation, time off, a chance to just breathe. Is it because we are living in a society that is overworked, spending an average of 92,000 hours at work over a lifetime? Or that we are overstimulated with phones, tv, screens constantly in our faces, taking away from being present with other humans? Or that have we have a hard time saying NO to others? And even when we get a chance to rest, do we even rest? Yup, all of these factors could be it. A study from IDEOU states that a purpose-driven individual is more likely to be high performer and obtain higher levels of fulfillment. And crazy enough, IDEOU has an entire course on the “Power of Purpose”. So if we can just take that idea that has been scientifically proven and copy-paste it into our personal lives, would we then have higher levels of personal fulfillment leading to happiness and joy? Aha! I do declare! And here is what you should think about—

Power of Purpose defines these steps and suggests doing this 5-minute exercise like a MadLib activity. I added my own take as well to make it more personal to reviving/finding your why—

Step 1: Look for Passion —Where has it shown up already? A moment you are most proud of, something that made you feel good, when you have been at your best. Write down/sketch a moment and be specific.

Step 2: Look for People — Purpose can often show up in the service of others, When you think of meaningful moments personally or professionally, who were you helping? Who do you want to help?

Step 3: Look for Impact — Ok, it gets deeper - what impact do you have on the world around you? What’s the impact you want to have? How do you want to improve people’s lives? How will your helping benefit them? How do you want to improve your own life?

Step 4: Why do you exist? — As if it couldn’t get any more nitty gritty - You don’t have to believe in a higher power to believe that you were placed on this Earth for a reason. We may not know it, or even ever find out, but we can have a hand on why we believe we are here. Bring everything together into a simple purpose statement (key word: simple). Are you here to take care of your cat? Are you here to bridge the gap between distant family in a far away land? Are you here to solve a problem in your community? Are you here to be the voice for your group? Are you here to create something that would not otherwise been created if it wasn’t for you? Are you here to start a movement? Stretch and think beyond what you’re currently doing. This can take some time, and that’s ok. Sometimes we won’t have the answer, but it will get our minds thinking toward an answer. Imagine the impact you want to have in the future.

“I/We exist to __________ (desired impact) in order to serve __________ (intended audience).”

Give it a shot.

Here are some examples graciously given:

“I exist to encourage others to achieve their dreams, which will lead me on the path of achieving my own.”

“I will do whatever it takes in my power to be the best mother and stronghold for my family.”

“I seek to provide a community for others to use movement as a sense of expression, healing, release.”

Boom, bam, bing! Did you reveal a compelling purpose in service of others and yourself? The MadLibs activity is not everything, but it may be getting to the core of why you do what you do. Sit with it. It’s getting the wheels turning to something that will lead you in a clearer direction. Mission statements are not just for business and the Power of Purpose is giving that. It brings light to what drives you. This mission statement can come up in ways of affirmation and commitment to yourself in challenging times or on a day-to-day motivational standpoint.

I hope that you will share your findings with me. There’s no better time than now to revive your why and find your purpose. We are all on the journey, so lets make it worthwhile and the most exciting times yet! Cheers to the holiday season and a continued living through of meaningfulness, intentional quality time, purposeful interactions, and happiness to all!
