yoga and music

Music..."it gives you wings"!

Music has always been a big part of my life, and not just through dance. I used to play the alto saxophone from 3rd grade through my senior year of high school. In grade school, you were not allowed to join band until 4th grade, so my mom had me take a year of private lessons just so I could fulfill my dream. I used to love going to the music store and picking out different music books from Disney movies and other show tunes. In high school, I was so adamant about playing in the jazz band that my awesome band teacher, Mr. Guy, let me audition for jazz band  a year early as a Freshman. I was so happy to make the jazz band. Music was such an outlet for me growing up on several levels.

As a dancer, music has always powered my passion. There is nothing like performing choreography to a song that inspires you to give all of your emotion and hit every beat with the movement. Musicality is a huge part of being a dancer. I try to instill that idea in my dancers that I teach. Not just by yelling "stay on beat", but by having them really listen and feel the music they are dancing to. Also, thinking about what the music is conveying to others. You must establish that initial connection with the music before your move to it. Then, once you do, pair the movement to the music, finding those moments where you can "milk it" and be on top of the beat in a way that expresses that musicality to an audience. I've always been told that dancers have a different way of hearing music. I believe that. We listen for the back beats, the most subtle sounds, those hints of melody, and the intertwining rhythms that we can dance on. That musicality makes all the difference when it comes to dance.

Pictured:  Musician, Eric Schmidt & Yogis, Allie Brochet & Reggie Hawkins 

Recently, I have been exploring my yoga practice and music.  As a teacher, it is always a choice to add in music to your classes. Its just another level to the senses during practice. I've been creating different playlists based off of the mantra and intentions set for class. I find this to enhance the overall experience for my class. A few months ago, my exploration grew deeper and I decided that I wanted to add live music to the mix. I knew this would be something that I had to really plan out. I discussed it with a few different musicians. I also knew that I needed to pick the right musician for this project, because I wanted to find someone who was familiar with yoga practice and the bigger picture that I was trying to connect with musical stimulation of the senses. This month I was able to set this idea into motion, and I held my first classes of Soul Vibes + Live Music, a three week series that brought yoga and live music together in one place. It has been a great experience thus far, and I look forward to deepening this project in the future. 

Music is unifying in all ways. It brings people together; no matter their age, race, gender, etc. It aids in overcoming any challenges. Sometimes it just takes music to get us motivated to start a new day, or to bring us back to a special memory in time. Music is truly powerful..."it gives you wings"! So, find that song that does it for you and turn it up loud in your car, in your home, or in your studio and let yourself fly with the music! 

Good vibes,
