
As I continue to grow, I realize how much gratitude shapes me and my everyday routine. If you are ever trying to figure out your thoughts or just unclear of the path you are taking, try writing down the things you are most grateful for, and see where it takes you. At first, I just took on this idea because my amazing yoga teacher, Kathryn, had suggested it. A few blog posts ago, I actually talked about gratitude journaling and how it can truly ground your being and change your perspective, because it has truly changed mine. It is also a habit of Oprah's, and she credits starting her gratitude journal as "the single most important thing I believe I've ever done"; check out her video here --> (Oprah's Life Class, 2012) .  I still continue to practice this, but I have taken it a step further. Documenting the things you are grateful for is a #gamechanger in itself (don't believe me, just watch ;) ), but actually committing to one grateful act is something I have turned my focus onto. I started very small with this idea by making an intention to do at least one grateful act a week. Sending a note to a friend I am thinking of, or calling a relative just to reminisce about old times. Just some examples, but this could mean anything to you on a personal level. I also find that this time of year is great for giving clothing donations with so many organizations involved; cleaning out your closet over the weekend could mean that someone less fortunate will receive new winter gear. There are also many organizations doing canned/nonperishable food drives, coat collections, toy bins, and more (find what's local to you). There are a ton of opportunities to give things or give your time, especially with Thanksgiving here, #givingtuesday , and the upcoming holidays. No matter what you do to express your gratitude, find what is most meaningful to you. A small act of gratitude can make a big difference to someone. Whatever you do, just #give !

May you have a Happy Thanksgiving, filled with peace and love! I am very grateful for the opportunity to be able to do what I love, and I express my fullest gratitude to my family, friends, students, colleagues, and mentors for the continuous support and inspiration. Cheers to good health, happiness, & prosperity to all!
