new year

It's 2020! Trust YOUR process!

I’m not one for new years resolutions (shoot, they are hard to stick to), & I am not one to preach about starting new goals for the new year (everyone’s hashtag = #newyearnewgoals). The way I look at it, you have 365 days (actually 366 this leap year) to start a new goal, a dream, a passion. It doesn’t have to start January 1. But, OMG this is a new decade, so ok, it does require extra attention. If last decade was about learning about yourself, this decade will definitely be about learning about yourself also. We are always a work in progress, maybe we just have made more progress than before. If there is one thing I have learned in being a yoga student & teacher, it is to trust the process. No, my fellow Philadelphians, I am not just saying that because this is 76ers nation & that’s been on their promo material for years now (someone tag @joelembiid for me), I am saying it because its the real truth. 1000%. Trust the process, more importantly, trust YOUR process.

Your trials & tribulations have all lead up to this very moment. Your wins & successes are all a result of the highs & lows you went through to get there. I don’t have to tell you that, I’m sure you have experienced some form of this in your life. I am here to remind you in this new decade to trust your process. Its not about waking up on January 1, 2020 with a fresh, new beginning & a hefty goal that you are fighting to stick with, because (guess what?!) you can wake up on January 11 with the same fresh new beginning, and any other day thereafter. Set measurable, attainable goals every day. Keep it simple. If you know you want to save $100 by January 31, put a quarter in that piggy bank today. If you know you want to make a dance team in the Spring, sign up for a dance class today & work on your technique. If you want to be a better teacher, hone in on your craft with a training for yourself. If you hate your job, brush up that resume today & take a look at what’s out there to find a new one. I’ll insert the [trust your process] here — it does not always come overnight. Do not give up, because those small measurable things are what will lead you to that bigger goal. I’m such a believer in this, & its not because I’ve entirely experienced any kind of miracle, its because I live by this every single day & I see the small wins happening for myself & others. On my desk at work I have the quote, “Big changes start with small steps”. I challenge you to write this on a sticky & see what you can do. There’s no better day than today, actually every day. My friends, welcome to the new decade, where there is always a chance to change your life. You’re in charge of it, not anyone else. It all starts with trusting YOUR process.

Happy New Year & Namaste —

xoxo, Lee-Ann

Loving-Kindness Meditation for the New Year

May you be happy.

May you be healthy.

May you be safe.

May you be peaceful & at ease.

May you be awakened by the light of you true nature.


This loving-kindness meditation keeps me grounded at times when I need it most. When the wind hits the waves & you need that extra boost to push you forward, or when you’re just seeking light. Opening the heart & sharing loving-kindness energy, especially during this time of the year, can bring hope and new possibility to the world around you.

It is one of the first meditation mantras that I learned, & it sure carries it’s weight; try it out! May you find all you need in the new year!