Heart Openers for a Healthy & Healing 💜

Yoga is SO good for the heart; physically, mentally, & spiritually. Yoga actually helps decrease cardiovascular risks, like high cholesterol, triglyceride, and blood sugar levels (health.harvard.edu). A consistent yoga practice promotes regular heart beats and blood flow to the heart, as well as improving the circulatory system. Yoga incorporates breathing practices, or pranayamas, such as three-part breath and ujjayi breath, which are thought to clear the respiratory system, resulting in good, clean oxygen traveling to the heart (everydayhealth.com).

In yoga class, we practice postures that are called “heart openers” or focused to stimulate the heart chakra, Anahata. These postures open the heart physically, in the sense that they make space around the heart, releasing holding patterns or tight muscles in the upper body for better ease of motion & overall increased blood flow to the heart. Often difficult for many of us who carry our worries on our shoulders or sit at computers all day, these postures nudge us to relax the shoulders & bring the heart to the highest point of focus, so that any tension can literally roll off our backs. Mentally and/or spirtually, heart openers can release blockages that may restrict us from moving forward. The idea of opening the heart physically also has an emotional connection. The heart chakra is directly related to our ability to give and receive love; when imbalanced, it can be difficult to find love, peace, and compassion. Opening the heart, in turn, can heal the body of its emotional distress & physical ailments that can manifest from it being closed off. The heart chakra is a major energy center, in which I believe can be directly nourished through yoga. I invite you to an open heart through heart bench—

Heart Bench is one of my favorite postures, and not only because it opens the heart, but because it just feels great! I can be found doing this pose everyday before bed and during my yoga classes that I lead. I recommend getting two yoga blocks. These blocks will be your best friends in offering the support you need in your practice. You will want to create a “T” with your two blocks, and you can place them on the high or low setting, whatever you find most comfortable to you. The vertical part of the T will support the spine, aligning the top of the block just under the shoulder blade, opening the heart, of course adjust as needed. The horizontal block will be used to support the back of your head, keeping your neck lifted with no strain. As you settle into the Heart Bench, allow the shoulders to relax and melt down the back, imagine the heart rising. Allow deep breaths to encourage you to release and relax through the shoulders, letting go of any tension. Let the arms float out down beside you. Allow the feet and legs to straighten down to the bottom of your mat or feel free to bring the soles of the feet together if that is more comfortable to you. Focus on openness through the mind as well as through the heart. For me, I find myself in this pose every single day, partly because I often carry tension in my shoulders (one of the things my ballet teachers always corrected me for) and I tend to lean forward into my computer at work (a common problem for office workers and students) but most importantly, I really believe that opening the heart with physics shape reminds me to be compassionate and to do all things with love, opening me to the idea of moving forward after a day is done.

I hope that you will find these tips to be helpful in your life, even if you do not have a regular yoga practice. Maybe you are just concerned with your posture and can use the spinal adjustment that it gives. Maybe you have trouble forgiving or are holding onto something that is creating a blockage for you to love. Maybe you are hoping to find deeper connections with relationships and committing to openness can solve your problems. No matter what you are looking to achieve, allow your focus to come to the heart, and I hope that it will guide you.

Happy February, Happy Valentine’s Day, and happy heart health to you!



Loving-Kindness Meditation for the New Year

May you be happy.

May you be healthy.

May you be safe.

May you be peaceful & at ease.

May you be awakened by the light of you true nature.


This loving-kindness meditation keeps me grounded at times when I need it most. When the wind hits the waves & you need that extra boost to push you forward, or when you’re just seeking light. Opening the heart & sharing loving-kindness energy, especially during this time of the year, can bring hope and new possibility to the world around you.

It is one of the first meditation mantras that I learned, & it sure carries it’s weight; try it out! May you find all you need in the new year!

Heart to Heart: Meet Malika Yates, Elite Miss Delaware Earth 2019

As a dance teacher, I am always SO inspired by my students! Meet Malika Yates! She is a dancer at heart, a true superstar, and has been crowned as Elite Miss Delaware Earth 2019! She is recovering from a cognitive concussion and traumatic brain injury, and I have never met anyone in my life so determined to achieve her dreams, letting nothing get in the way! I coach Malika with her dance technique through Sideline Prep. She was cleared by the doctor a few months ago to dance again, and she was so excited to get back into the studio. She dreams of being a professional dancer and hopes to audition for a professional dance team soon. She continues to bring her grace and poise with her even off the pageant stage, as she continues to spread her platform to make a positive impact on environmental restoration and to inspire others to dream big. She uses dance and physical fitness as a means of healing and loves to share her passion with others.

I am honored to be her dance coach and to be a part of her amazing journey!

To learn more about Malika and be a part of her journey: gf.me/u/mvk9x

Bringing it all together.

I’ve been thinking a lot about content lately, mostly because I think about it everyday at work as its a big part of my job, but also for my own business needs. As a business professional, working for a non-profit, and as I continue to develop my own business with dance and yoga, being present in the moment is paramount. Investing the time to be "all in", whether its working on a business proposal or teaching yoga to a specialized group, makes all the difference. Making the conscious and genuine effort to devote all your time and attention to that moment, while knowing there are many other things to do, is a measure of success. Growing up as a dancer, there is a difference in your performance when you allow yourself to just be in the moment, giving your full energy with full intention; we call that dancing "full-out". How can you be more engaging to your audience? How can you bring focus to the things that are important? How can you get your vision across to others? How can you be "all in"? That’s what draws people into wanting to watch the greatest performers. That quality of embodying the present moment, no matter what you are doing. That’s what brings everything together.

When you create content for your business of any type, think of it as though you are inviting someone into your home. They are walking through your front door, getting an inside-view of your visions and goals. You want a guest in your home to feel welcomed and comfortable. Especially as they consider giving you the opportunity to provide them with your business.

Open up your world by providing pieces of yourself, those personal touches, that speak to your values and core initiatives. What can someone gain by your presence? What value are you adding to their life? Consider this with any interaction you make. Sharing your "behind the scenes" takes, your thought-process, even bits your personal life, with your potential clients will make them confident in choosing you, not just as a business, but you as a person who is committed to giving them something they can value from. A relationship that offers a gain. Be "all in" when it comes to your interactions and overall content. As my work remains in progress, I see how each piece of my life, from my yoga practice, to my relationships, to my professional advancement, it all requires commitment to the present and creating meaningfulness, which brings it all together.

Photo by Cade Martin Photography

UMUC Commercial Shoot & Thank You

First, I want thank to everyone who has reached out to me regarding the new commercial! University of Maryland University College produced a new commercial that began airing this week to promote their MBA program featuring me (check out my Home Page to view it)! It is now airing in the Philadelphia area, primarily because of their concentrated efforts in expanding the distance-learning student base in this area right now, but it is also airing in the DC, Maryland and Virginia areas. Since I am from Maryland, and I am happy to see that it is being viewed down there as well (#shoutout to my peeps in the DMV ;) ). The most special part about this to me right now is the endearing support from friends and family. I've received messages  from people that I have not heard from in awhile, so it is very nice to reconnect. Your kind words and encouragement means the world to me, and I appreciate it all. Who would have thought that something like this would bring connections back around. Again, I thank you!

This commercial has been the works for some time. I graduated with my MBA from UMUC in 2015. About two years ago, UMUC had reached out to me with an interest in learning more about my life as a UMUC alum and shooting some footage. I filmed an interview portion (not the one in the shown in the current commercial) at the campus in Maryland, but we weren't able to coordinate with having the crew come to Philly to shoot the rest. This year, because  of their very active marketing plan to conquer advertising and promotion in Philly, the efforts came together most recently and a new production crew was sent out to film here in Philly at the beginning of June.  UMUC's connection with Fiona Media Company, under the direction of the ever-so-brilliant Theresa Wingert, brought it all to life! I had a great experience shooting for this, as the crew had me doing EVERYTHING from sitting in  Bodhi Coffee shop listening to my headphones, to dancing up and down the busy streets of Center City Philly, to "zenning out"  during my actual yoga class at Lumos Yoga & Barre on their opening day, to creating a fabulous dance scene with 5 other dancer friends at Sound Space, and filming in my home --all in one day of filming! They had a particular interest in the fact that I am a working professional, but that I also have a "part-time hustle" with dancing and yoga instruction. It makes for a story that is relative to any person who wishes to go back to school, but has a busy lifestyle juggling work, family, and a passion. The version of the commercial that is airing now does not have any of that other footage, and I am told another version may release that intertwines it all. So stay tuned! 

Lastly, reflecting on this, I just simply want to encourage everyone to go for what you want in life. Earning my master's was a big deal to me. It was something I wanted to do, and at first I didnt think I would ever have the time or mental space for it. UMUC did make this more attainable with the flexibility of the online coursework. I appreciate the opportunity to represent UMUC alumni, it is a great school! So I ask you, what would be a big deal to you? I am here to say; if there is something you want, go for it! Whether its going to school, changing your career path, pursuing a passion, whatever it is, do it! Align yourself with it. Make the space for it, and set small measurable goals to get there. There is never going to be a perfect timing. Things won't always go as planned. That's just life! But, what you do have control of is your effort and the attention that you put into the things you find to be a big deal in your life. Any little bit toward your goal is better than nothing at all. The worst that comes of it is that you will learn more about yourself and it becomes a journey onto the next thing. So go for it! ;)

With Gratitude,


There are Unicorns in this World

I was at a marketing conference in DC recently and bumped into a woman who is also a yoga teacher. For some reason it always feels so refreshing to meet another yoga teacher in the professional business world (I know there are more out there, so please feel free to comment). It was almost like a sigh of relief when she said "I am a yoga teacher too". Like out of a deep, dark forest of different creatures, you find one that is like you. Its almost like she had an aura about her, bright and inviting, that screamed "I'm into yoga". I thought, I need that aura, but maybe she saw that in me too? Somehow we are both sitting in this stuffy, blase room talking about marketing, and we'd really rather be moving. Living.

Just a few days prior to this conference, I also sat in a teacher training for trauma-sensitive yoga and never felt more alive. Alive and with a purpose. Ok, don't get me wrong, I do enjoy my day-job in the business setting and I do find purpose in it, I am not saying this to put that down by any means. But, to me there is just nothing quite like the purpose I feel with my yoga practice and with teaching. I want more of that. More living. More doing. More moving. More of being exactly who I want to be.

We all have our dreams. And me sitting in that room at the marketing conference that day  and meeting this unicorn of a person reminded me that I don't have to sit still. That "almost sigh of relief" that I mentioned when I met this yoga teacher was a sigh of hope. That we both are on the path of finding that life-altering purpose. It's something that we didn't even have to explain to each other. But, when she mentioned how she found yoga and the way her face lit up, I just knew. We both are dreamers. Taking steps here and there, every single day, to get closer and closer to the life that we dream of. Setting the goals and making a path toward that forest where all the creatures are living their life in full motion and in color. Me sharing this is NOT about trying to get you to do yoga, it's to get you to do what you love <3. To #findyourhappy . Whatever it is ---> [you name it]. I encourage you to continue to dream about it. But, as you dream, continue to reach and take the actual steps that will get you to that place. Speak about it and do something that will get you doing it....every day...until it happens. Because that's the difference between ponies and unicorns ;) 




Open Your Anahata (heart) Chakra

 The practice of yoga brings light to seven energy flows along the spine, called chakras, which translates to “wheel” in Sanskrit. These chakras are believed to influence all areas of your life. The Anahata or heart chakra, is the central and fourth chakra found at your heart center.  Predictably, this chakra is all about love and awaking awareness for service, kindness, gratitude, and forgiveness.

To “open the heart” means to find balance and alignment in love and compassion, in terms of giving and receiving. Even small gestures of affection, like smiling at a friend, can fulfill this. Physically, there are ways to open the heart with movement and practice that will bring the heart center higher in alignment.  For example, cobra pose, humble warrior, camel pose, and bow pose (just to name a few), are all yoga postures that encourage a higher positioning of the heart by way of the shoulders moving down the back to push the heart forward.  Perceiving life through the heart chakra is being in a state of openness, acceptance, and compassion. Open your heart by practicing any Anhata Chakra yoga pose, keeping a gratitude journal, expressing your love to a family member, simply just exchanging a hug today, or spreading love on Valentine's Day. xoxox -Lee-Ann

Be Free!

For today's mantra, I will offer this thought to you: If tomorrow you woke up with no obligations and money was no matter at all, what would you do? '

Think about it, share it!

What is it that you love most in life? What do you dream your life to be like if you had no boundaries? 

My friends, I am here to tell you that every day we are in the position to live the life we dream of! 

Step out of your comfort zone and into where you want to be. Yes, in reality we have obstacles, but you DO have control of your happiness and destiny!

SO today, take just one step closer to your dream life and be free of fear/doubt/failure! Just one step now, and you will see the light! Today's the day! No go on! :)


Have a Holly Jolly [everyday]!

T'is the season to be jolly! The holiday season certainly brings about a feeling of good cheer and kindness, from the decorations to the celebrations with friends & family. All is merry and bright, and people seem to be jolly and extra polite. But, what if that "Christmas spirit" existed all throughout the year?! It can, and it starts with you (seriously though)! Let the holiday cheer live strong and carry you through the rest of the year with these quick tips:

1. Be the light. Bring others up when they are down. Lend a helping hand. Be a mentor for youth in your community. Be present for a loved one.  Participate/create a charitable donation drive at work. Visit a Veteran's home and listen to their stories.  Do any little thing you can do that will benefit another person who may be in a difficult situation or someone who may be less fortunate than yourself. Pay it forward, and that doesn't always mean monetary. Exchanging good energy and/or bringing light to someone else's life with a smile is the most simple way to pay it forward.

2. Do what you love...because why spend your days doing anything less than that?! If you hate your job, maybe it's time for a redirection. Find purpose in the things you do each day. Even outside of work, change up your morning routine or evening and add in something you love to do. Take a step that will get you closer to who you want to be and the life you want to live. Not just for New Years Resolution sake (because you know those never seem to last long), but for the sake of you! You deserve to live your best life! Progress and build on your life's goals each and every day, even if they are small steps, every little bit counts in your journey.

3. Play! Yes, I said it. You are never too busy to play. And if you think you are, than you are definitely in need of it, my friend. When you think of your fondest memories as I kid, its most likely around playing outside with friends/family or playing a sport, playing a game, etc. SO #BringPlayBack ! The inner child in your will thank you later. Give yourself a few minutes of play everyday and actually do it! Whatever you define as play is up to you, but commit to it. For me, in the winter, my "play" is taking a dance or yoga class, because I can let loose since I am not teaching it. I also like to play video games or blast my music and dance. In the summer, its enjoying the beach and playing in the sand. You will bring the holiday spirit out of yourself with this simple commitment to playyyyy!

With 2017 coming to an end, I want to thank everyone who has brought light to my life this year. Loved ones, family, friends, colleagues, & students who continue to bring me up, encourage me to reach for my goals in life, and inspire me to share my passions through dance and yoga.  May 2018 bring more blessings.

From my home to yours -- wishing you happiness, peace, good fortune, and love this holiday season! xoxo -Lee-Ann 


As I continue to grow, I realize how much gratitude shapes me and my everyday routine. If you are ever trying to figure out your thoughts or just unclear of the path you are taking, try writing down the things you are most grateful for, and see where it takes you. At first, I just took on this idea because my amazing yoga teacher, Kathryn, had suggested it. A few blog posts ago, I actually talked about gratitude journaling and how it can truly ground your being and change your perspective, because it has truly changed mine. It is also a habit of Oprah's, and she credits starting her gratitude journal as "the single most important thing I believe I've ever done"; check out her video here --> (Oprah's Life Class, 2012) .  I still continue to practice this, but I have taken it a step further. Documenting the things you are grateful for is a #gamechanger in itself (don't believe me, just watch ;) ), but actually committing to one grateful act is something I have turned my focus onto. I started very small with this idea by making an intention to do at least one grateful act a week. Sending a note to a friend I am thinking of, or calling a relative just to reminisce about old times. Just some examples, but this could mean anything to you on a personal level. I also find that this time of year is great for giving clothing donations with so many organizations involved; cleaning out your closet over the weekend could mean that someone less fortunate will receive new winter gear. There are also many organizations doing canned/nonperishable food drives, coat collections, toy bins, and more (find what's local to you). There are a ton of opportunities to give things or give your time, especially with Thanksgiving here, #givingtuesday , and the upcoming holidays. No matter what you do to express your gratitude, find what is most meaningful to you. A small act of gratitude can make a big difference to someone. Whatever you do, just #give !

May you have a Happy Thanksgiving, filled with peace and love! I am very grateful for the opportunity to be able to do what I love, and I express my fullest gratitude to my family, friends, students, colleagues, and mentors for the continuous support and inspiration. Cheers to good health, happiness, & prosperity to all!
